April, 2015
With Great Power (part 3)

And another update from Rob, hes fairly moved ahead with the rebuild having got the crank back from the people who did the regrind. The crank required new bearings, and they have been refitted.
With Great Power (Part 2)

Another email from Rob the other day with another update, consisting of the progress on the engine case and the continuing crank shaft issues.
So Where Does This Go?
Bits have been arriving at the house over the last week or so, not least of which is the fuel tank. I have also received seats, springs, attaching parts and something a little special to keep the electrics all neat and tidy.
With Great Power

I have managed to find someone to recondition the engine for me and luckily not to far away. So last week I took both engines down to him to see if he could rebuild the 1600 twin port engine for me. Luckily Rob loves reconditioning VW engines and has done several for himself in the […]