That Final Push – Days 5 6 and 7

As the days countdown I now have only 2 build days to go till the trike goes for MSVA. This deadline has started a bit of a panic and I am getting worried. But I have a great team helping me and I know it will be ready for test!
That Final Push – Day 2

Following on from yesterdays progress more has been achieved. As you may recall I had made a list of 14 things that had to be complete before going to MSVA.

Ladies and Gentlemen, for my 40th post I would like to announce that I am now the proud owner of a trike that moves under its own power!!!!11!1 This momentous occasion comes to you via the guys at the workshop and myself working hard and getting the gear linkage sorted!
With Great Power (part 5)

After all the fun we had trying to start the engine last time, we thought we would attempt it again, following installing some of the wiring for the trike. This time it was a huge success!!
Engine Bits – The Final Parts

Before the engine was fitted for the engine cage design, I added a few parts to complete that section of the build.
Just a Little Longer
Today has been a very productive day, by managing to combine the four main components of the vehicle to give us a platform to start building the engine cage that I really want on the trike.
With Great Power (Part 4)

In the last part of this article the engine was more or less complete however it was missing some rather important parts. Adding these will mean that the engine will be com.plete and ready to use!
With Great Power (part 3)

And another update from Rob, hes fairly moved ahead with the rebuild having got the crank back from the people who did the regrind. The crank required new bearings, and they have been refitted.
With Great Power (Part 2)

Another email from Rob the other day with another update, consisting of the progress on the engine case and the continuing crank shaft issues.