Fuel System
Go Go Juice Required! (part 2)

With the forward half of the fuel lines laid in it is time to start on the rear half of the pipework. As the whole run is in stainless steel armoured flexible piping I worked out how I wanted the run to go by zip tieing temporarily in place and then drilling a hole for […]
Go Go Juice Required!

With the electrics on hiatus until the rear mudguards are complete I moved onto another important step and that was to fit the fuel line from the tank all the way to the engine.
Tanks for the Memories

“What the trike needs is something eye catching on the tank” This statement by the wife has led to some interesting discussions with Jamie, the owner of the workshop where I am building the trike. We started with wrapping the tank, then moved to hydro dipping, then on to paint techniques such as lacework and […]