My Build
Just Keep Swimming (part 3)

Just a quick update. With the majority of the wiring laid in, it’s time to start neatening everything up and to make it all presentable for the MSVA. One of these steps is mounting all the fuse boxes.
Tanks for the Memories

“What the trike needs is something eye catching on the tank” This statement by the wife has led to some interesting discussions with Jamie, the owner of the workshop where I am building the trike. We started with wrapping the tank, then moved to hydro dipping, then on to paint techniques such as lacework and […]
Just Keep Swimming (part 2)

Having left the main start power installed in the previous part, I moved on to the next step by installing the start relay and engine wiring. This means that these will be some of the longest running wires on the trike.
With Great Power (part 5)

After all the fun we had trying to start the engine last time, we thought we would attempt it again, following installing some of the wiring for the trike. This time it was a huge success!!
Just Keep Swimming

This week has resulted in some great progress on the trike.With the back brakes being bled and working, the other draft shaft installed and the throttle cable roughly routed. These things combined has led to the trike completion being set to 85% done!
Something ends, Something starts

I managed to get the front end pretty much finished today, just leaving the brake lines and speedo cable to fit. I also have the lights to fit but will have to incorporate the rules from the MSVA before I mount these.
Stahp, What are you doing?

With the front end almost built, it is time to install the brake system. This involves running the brake lines from front to back and across the IRS arms to the calipers.
Take the Middle Road

I was going to start to the brake system today, but for one reason or another (mainly the workshop was having a new year clean up), I decided on getting the wheel finally installed correctly instead!
Happy New Year!

First things first, Happy New Year to you all! I hope that the silly season brought you everything you wanted and you get everything you want in 2016! I have been way to quiet on here, but not with the project, and I will endeavor to update you on the progress being made.
Boing Boing – Part 3

As we had left the build with the A frames being assembled, it is now on to fitting those completed parts to the main frame of the trike.