With Great Power (part 3)
And another update from Rob, hes fairly moved ahead with the rebuild having got the crank back from the people who did the regrind.
The crank required new bearings, and they have been refitted.
The pictures Rob has sent me shows the steps he has gone through to rebuild the engine from the ground up.

Crank and Bearings
With the crank back from being reground, the first job is to refit the bearings and con rods before it gets dropped into the crank case.

Bearings and Con Rods fitted
If you remember the problem that was found with the crank (if not have a look at the first part of this article) its on the top right hand side of the picture.
With the crank assembled and looking superb, it is time to put this assembly into the crank case.

All going in the case.
With the crank and lifter in position its time to fit the other side of the case. (note the hole on the right side of the case, this is where the oil strainer lives.)

The Case Assembled
With the case assembled we start to head for the money shot portion of the rebuild. The case now requires the pistons and barrels fitted.

Pistons and barrels fitted
These barrels and pistons increase the capacity of the engine to 1641cc, and should give me a little more power on the trike.

1641cc goodness
With the pistons fitted its just the last few bits to go on, the push rod tubes and push rods, the cylinder heads and the carb and rails for the fuel.

The almost complete engine
Their is still a bit to do with the engine it requires a fuel pump, Alternator, shroud, and pipes but I think this is going to look like one sweet engine when its finished!
With Great Power (Part 2) With Great Power (Part 4)