Build Pictures
Just Keep Swimming

This week has resulted in some great progress on the trike.With the back brakes being bled and working, the other draft shaft installed and the throttle cable roughly routed. These things combined has led to the trike completion being set to 85% done!
Stahp, What are you doing?

With the front end almost built, it is time to install the brake system. This involves running the brake lines from front to back and across the IRS arms to the calipers.
Take the Middle Road

I was going to start to the brake system today, but for one reason or another (mainly the workshop was having a new year clean up), I decided on getting the wheel finally installed correctly instead!
Happy New Year!

First things first, Happy New Year to you all! I hope that the silly season brought you everything you wanted and you get everything you want in 2016! I have been way to quiet on here, but not with the project, and I will endeavor to update you on the progress being made.
Boing Boing – Part 3

As we had left the build with the A frames being assembled, it is now on to fitting those completed parts to the main frame of the trike.
Boing Boing – Part 2

Last time we had just finished the installation of the inner bearings on the A arms and had prepped up ready to install the outer bearings.
Boing Boing

First off an apology, Since the last post life has happened. My wife has had an operation on her knee and any work that was scheduled for the rebuild has been put on hold. However, never fear a few things have happened with the build so read on and find out whats been going on.
Red is the Only Colour – Redux
When I last posted about the frame, I had left it at the powder coaters ready for some colour to be applied. This has now been applied and I am starting to see the eventual look of the vehicle.
Red is the only Colour
I managed to get the last bits on the trike welded and took the frame down to get powder coated (about time!)